Banners on the Embassy's façade

I created and executed three outdoor advertisements to promote the French courses offered by Institut français.


The banners were displayed on the façade of the French Embassy allowing us to maximize their visibility. Located in Kongens Nytorv, one of the busiest place in Copenhague, the idea was capture the attention of passersby.

The first campaign was launched on New Year's Eve 2022, where we displayed a banner with the slogan "Learn French in 2022". The timing of the campaign was strategic, as New Year's Eve is a time when people make resolutions and set goals for the coming year. The banner served as a reminder to those passing by that learning French could be a great addition to their New Year's resolutions.

my contribution

  • Project management
  • Banner design
  • SoMe and marketing


2021 - 2022


Institut français du Danemark

For the second campaign, we used the slogan"Vive Le Tour de France" on the Embassy's façade during the Grand Départ du Tour de France in Copenhagen. The banner was designed to capitalize on this event and to promote French as the language of the world-famous cycling race.

The final campaign was launched on New Year's Eve 2023, under the slogan "Start the new year with a new language - Learn French at Institut français". This campaign was designed to build on the success of the previous year's New Year's Eve campaign and to encourage people to make a fresh start by learning French in the new year.

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